Swanson's Snake-eyed Skink (Cryptoblepharus cygnatus),
Family Scincidae |
Credit & Copyright: Dr. Bruce G.
Explanation: This week we are staying in the Northern Territory of Australia, where last week we visited a spiraled denizen of the mangroves. Now, still in the mangroves, we have encountered a curiously-named snake-eyed skink. More specifically, this is Swanson's snake-eyed skink, which is fully endemic to the Northern Territory of Australia, found nowhere else.
So why is this species, and others of this genus Cryptoblepharus (and also the genus Ablepharus, for that matter), called snake-eyed? It is because these species lack eyelids, and instead the eye is covered with a transparent scale, called a spectacle, which is similar to the anatomy found in snakes. As to how this evolved in snake-eyed skinks, and why not in other skinks or in other lizards, is as yet unanswered.
Next week's picture: Bronze Frog
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