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Pelt of Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes),
Family Canidae |
Credit & Copyright: Dr. Bruce G.
Explanation: This week we are visiting a most welcoming Kazakh couple in their ger home, just outside Gorkhi Terelj National Park in northern Mongolia, northeast of the capital city of Ulaanbaatar. The focus this week is on the array of animal skins -- pelts -- they have adorning their ger (yurt) walls. We've previously explored the intensely symbolic aspects of the wolf (Canis lupus chanco) in this region of Mongolia. But other animals also play important roles in the lives and culture of people of the area. First, meet our hosts: They, and other native Mongolians, of the region use animal pelts for a variety of practical and symbolic purposes.
Here is a variety of pelts
in the main photo
here is a wolf pelt.
is a tuft of feathers from an I
asked what role the owl plays Abraham
recounted that in the Koran, He said that
this is a common
And, finally, our gracious
couple modeling for us their
Next week's picture: Red-Capped Songster
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Original material on Ecology Picture of the Week © Bruce G. Marcot