In the extreme northwest corner of overpopulated California there is an island.
It is isolated by distance to major cities and by a seemingly perpetual overcast and veil of mist and fog.
Within the veil remain forest remnants of the tallest trees on Earth.
following are lines extracted from some of my published poetry, with photos I've taken of the redwood forests, coastal Sitka spruce forests, and coastlines of Humboldt County, California ... click on the thumbnail images for fuller pictures (all pictures and words on this and linked pages are (c) Bruce G. Marcot)
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What peace these castles define
wooden towers
creaking gently against silken breath ...
If we could but choose time!
But light dims in
Disregard to need ...
* *
imbricate algal tiles
festoon the strand with shards of
molluscan armorthe strobe of sunflecks
on the reckless surface
beckons hypnotic suggestion
* *
* *
twenty miles on dirt roads
steeped into these black hills
i make my camp within a ravine
nightforest walls
creaking towers and rustlings
surround my bedroll ...
* *
i fear no solitude as that
that brings you to me
only in dreams
* *
* * *supper
bracken fern and dandelion
bubbling onto hissing pine,
green fumes spiraling into treetops,
indistinguishable.weeds that feed the forest,
that die to relive as
soil and animal flesh,
fill my belly this cold evening.nature bears no false pride.