Ode to the Niche (An Ecologist's Nightmare)
With hypervolumetric grin,- bruce g marcot, 10/83
I grow more Hutchinsonian
Despite intense investigation
Of axial proliferation.Each bird I see expands in place
To seventeen-dimension space;
And should it light on forest floor,
Then axes sprout a dozen more!Euclid would approve with glee
How territoriality
Of bunting perched upon a stone
Is asymptote to hypercone!And should competing species brawl
A tesseract defines the sprawl.
Yet meaning loses in the end;
We've lost the zero origin!
Notes: I wrote this during my PhD dissertation, which was a
monstrous, multivariate analysis of ecological data on bird ecology.
"Hutchinson" of course fathered/mothered the concept of the n-dimensional
niche, which is but a simple use of n-axis Euclidean geometry. What
might a non-Euclidean representation of an organisms' role in its ecosystem
look like, one that would account for its ever-changing ecological roles
within ever-changing environments?
- bgm