Bruce G. Marcot
Research Wildlife Ecologist
USDA Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Research Station
Portland Forestry Sciences Lab
Marcot, B. G., M. A. Castellano, J. A. Christy, L. K. Croft, J. F. Lehmkuhl,
R. H. Naney, R. E.
Rosentreter, R. E. Sandquist, and E. Zieroth. 1997. Terrestrial
ecology assessment. Pp.
1497-1713 in: T. M. Quigley and S. J. Arbelbide, ed. An
assessment of ecosystem
components in the interior Columbia Basin and portions of the Klamath
and Great Basins.
Volume III. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PNW-GTR-405.
USDA Forest
Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. 1713
The general approach to meeting the study elements entailed gathering
information on ecology of individual species, species assemblages,
and ecological
communities in the assessment area, and on developing computer models
that describe
species-environment relations. Two interesting dilemmas arose
in this general approach.
First, limited information was available from a wide variety of sources,
including experts
in panels and individual contract reports, scientific publications,
agency management
plans, and other sources; how could all this be meaningfully combined?
Second, much of
the existing information has not been formally published and resides
in the files and heads
of experts; how could this knowledge be gathered? To meet the
first challenge we turned
to various methods of combining information. To meet the second,
we contracted for
technical reports from species experts, and gathered information in
panels of experts. It is
imperative to note, however, that formalizing expert knowledge from
panels of experts is
not a substitute for open publication which has undergone peer review.
knowledge gathered in this assessment could be used to create tentative
hypotheses that need explicit empirical testing and validation (for
example, Doak and Mills
Collectively, the information we gathered on species-environment relations
and the
interpretations we made on possible trends of species and their ecological
roles in the
ecosystem constitute an ecological risk analysis (for example, Calabrese
and Baldwin 1993,
Norton and others 1988). We evaluated trends of potentially suitable
environments of
species from historic to current times, given the changes in vegetation
cover types and
structural stages and the occurrence of stochastic events such as wildfire.
From this, we
estimated the resultant likelihoods that populations of plants and
animals have increased,
declined, or not changed over that time, and how such changes might
influence the
ecosystems in which the species reside.
Of importance in combining information from disparate sources is depicting
its quality.
The most reliable species and community data for this assessment came
from well-designed
empirical field studies with ample sample sizes and time periods.
Such studies are rare.
Rather, most of the information we used in this assessment was gathered
unpublished (in scientific journals) or ongoing studies, or from expert
One kind of error that is inescapable when dealing with biological systems,
particularly at
the geographic extent and time durations addressed in this project,
is that of natural
variation of conditions. Although much of the data collection
for this project seems
deterministic (unvarying), it is collected and interpreted with full
understanding that
ecosystems and populations are inherently inconstant.
Other kinds of errors are those of human judgment and understanding:
uncertainty and
ambiguity (see Cleaves 1994). Uncertainty refers to incompleteness
of knowledge. To help
us determine how well non-plant species' ecologies are understood,
we asked each expert
panelist (see methods section on expert panels) to denote on a scale
of 1 to 5 how well they
thought the species is known scientifically. We assigned the
median certainty level to each
species, then tallied the number of species under each of the five
certainty levels for each
taxonomic group. We also explored the variation in certainty
levels among panelists for a
given species to measure within-species (among panelist) certainty
variation. Ambiguity
refers to differences in interpretation of direction and information
among experts. We
produced what we hoped were clear direction in contracts, and held
standard pre-panel
briefings so that all experts began from the same knowledge level of
the project.
A final potential source of error is motivational bias. This occurs
when someone is asked to
provide information on value-laden categories or terms, rather than
on more neutrally
phrased terms. For example, a reply is more apt to highlight
problems when the category
is "threats causing extinction" than when it is "likely events that
may affect populations."
To help avoid errors associated with motivational bias, we strived
to ensure a clinical,
neutral tone in panel proceedings and other contacts with experts.
Problems and Opportunities of "Combining Information"
A new area of statistics has recently emerged that deals with the problem
of making
meaningful inference from disparate sources of information. This
area is dubbed
"combining information" or CI (Draper and others 1992). We used
several CI techniques.
CI helped us to think hierarchically, such as by first denoting ecological
attributes of
individual species, and then search for similar ecological functions
among groups of
species. When combining separate sources of judgmental information,
process is important
to allay bias and to ensure consistency in interpretation. Building
tentative working
hypotheses, such as on species fitness or viability or community productivity,
is a plausible
and useful approach even if the base information is taken from widely
disparate sources.
We used this approach.
Another arena that helped us develop our approach to gathering existing
information is
that of expert system programming. In a sense, much of the information
we gathered is in
the form of expert system rules. In our context, these "rules"
are information bases that
describe conditions suitable to meet the needs of individual species
or species groups.
Using Expert Panels
To collect and combine expertise, we convened a total of 26 panels of
leading species
experts. Panelists were chosen individually for their expertise
in specific taxonomic
groups and geographic areas and collectively for their coverage of
all groups and areas.
Panelists chosen were recognized as the leading experts, or among the
leading experts, in
their fields. Often, as with invertebrates and plants and allies,
the leading experts were
essentially the only scientists conducting primary field research on
the organisms of
interest. The process we used generally followed that of two
previous scientific
assessments of biodiversity and species viability (FEMAT 1993; also
see Kangas and others
1993, Thomas and others 1993). This was a modified Delphi process
as follows. Panelists
followed a standard protocol consisting of: individually providing
information on species
ecologies on standardized forms; discussing initial results to uncover
overlooked or new
information; and refining the final submitted information. This
is a modification of the
standard Delphi process in that discussions and final recording of
information was not
meant to achieve group consensus, due to the mandates of the Federal
Advisory Committee
Act as interpreted by SIT management and legal counsel. Also,
retaining individual
information allowed us to pool the diversity of expertise among panelists
and to poll their
opinions of confidence levels of scientific knowledge of each species.
In the end, each
panelist provided separate information, and we merged the panelists'
The panelists were asked to record key environmental correlates -- those
requirements that
contribute to high realized fitness, and by inference, viability, of
each species. The
panelists also recorded key ecological functions of each species and
the degree of confidence
in current scientific understanding of correlates and functions of
each species. We deviated
from the approaches of previous assessments (namely, FEMAT 1993, Thomas
and others
1993) by having the panels provide information on basic ecology and
relations, rather than having the panels provide a final judgment on
species viability
effects of management scenarios and planning alternatives. This
change was made because
(1) the EIS alternatives had not yet been formulated, (2) one purpose
of the current
exercise was to expose the ecological relations to help us interpret
and project viability
effects, (3) another purpose was to build an explicit information base
on species-
environment relations, which is lacking for the assessment area, and
(4) we wished to
avoid having to reconvene expert panels for every change in EIS alternatives.
from the panelists and contractors helped us to build basic and explicit
databases, including range and distribution maps, from which we developed
and explicit ecological risk analyses. cross check with intro chapter
An advantage of this approach is that it helped reduce the potential
problem of
motivational bias. On the other hand, one disadvantage of the
"modified" paneling
approach is that it is more difficult -- but not impossible -- for
many technical experts to
explain how they think than it is for them to provide only a summary
judgment on a
condition (such as on potential species viability effects). Because
of this, we peer-reviewed
and revised the information.
Environmental "dependencies" were not listed in the resulting species
database per se. Rather, the aim of collecting expert knowledge
was to list key factors
influencing realized fitness of each species. For some panelists
or experts this meant listing
all environmental factors whether critical to maintaining populations
or only incidentally
used; for others, it meant listing only those that contributed to "core"
populations (those
with births exceeding deaths). This was quite difficult to quality-control
during the panel
and information-gathering process, as it meant different things to
different panelists. This
is one reason that the resulting information base must be viewed as
a "first approximation"
of species-environment relations and must be interpreted in light of
local biological
information and knowledge.
Confidence in Knowledge of Species
As part of the species data collection process (modified Delphi panel
process), we asked
experts to rank their confidence in how complete scientific knowledge
is for each
individual species on a scale of 1 (low confidence) to 5 (high confidence).
We clarified that
scores of low confidence should correspond to few or no empirical scientific
studies of the
species within the Basin assessment area, whereas scores of high confidence
correspond to adequate studies for predicting population response to
Different experts may have interpreted this scale in slightly different
ways. Some ranked
their own empirical experience, whereas others ranked the collective
knowledge of the
scientific community. However, in the final pass these two interpretations
should be the
same, as the best experts available were engaged on the panels.
Some general trends emerged. The median confidence levels (among
panelists ranking the
same species) on the whole were greater with plants (51 percent of
species rated a median
confidence rank of 4 or 5) than with vertebrates (37 percent), and
greater with
vertebrates than with invertebrates (23 percent) (fig. 2). The
plants and plant groups
included in this tally are the rarer species with federal or proposed
listing status, and may
be those more intensely studied. This does not represent knowledge
levels of all plant
species. Also significant is how poorly known the invertebrates
are; 22 percent of the
example species addressed were ranked as confidence level 1, as compared
with 8 percent
of the vertebrates and 7 percent of the plants. Overall,
these median confidence ranks
should be interpreted as denoting that few species taxonomic groups
have been completely
studied, that further basic biological research is needed on many groups,
and that
conclusions drawn on species historic trend and current response to
conditions should be treated as management hypotheses to be tested.
Where more than one panelist provided information on a species, we calculated
confidence scores for each species among panelists. Where only
one panelist provided
information on individual species (often the case with lesser-known
taxa including fungi,
lichens, bryophytes, many of the rare plants, most invertebrates, and
some amphibians and
reptiles), we used their one confidence score. To compare overall
confidence in knowledge
among taxa, we plotted the confidence mean among species (as proportions)
for each
confidence level for each taxonomic group (plants and allies, invertebrates,
The following sections describe general methods used to evaluate habitat
trends and
functions of plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates. Detailed
accounts of methods and
results are available in the contract reports (Appendix B), and in
on-file material.
Calabrese, E. J., and L. A. Baldwin, ed. 1993. Performing
ecological risk assessments.
Lewis Pub., Boca Raton, FL. 250 pp.
Cleaves, D. A. 1994. Assessing uncertainty in expert judgments
about natural resources.
Southern Forest Experiment Station Gen. Tech. Rpt. SO-110.
USDA Forest Service, New
Orleans LA. 17 pp.
Cleaves, D. A. 1995. Assessing and communicating uncertainty
in decision support
systems: lessons from an ecosystem policy analysis. AI Applications
Doak, D. F., and L. S. Mills. 1994. A useful role for theory
in conservation. Ecology
Draper, D., D. P. Gaver, Jr, P. K. Goel, J. B. Greenhouse, L. V. Hedges,
C. N. Morris, J. R.
Tucker, and C. M. Waternaux. 1992. Combining information.
Statistical issues and
opportunities for research. Contemporary statistics No. 1.
National Academy Press,
Washington D.C. 217 pp.
FEMAT. 1993. Forest ecosystem management: an ecological,
economic, and social
assessment. Report of the Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment
Team. U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. (chapters numbered
separately) pp.
Kangas, J., J. Karsikko, L. Laasonen, and T. Pukkala. 1993.
A method for estimating the
suitability function of wildlife habitat for forest planning on the
basis of expertise. Silva
Fennica 27(4):259-268.
Norton, S., M. McVey, J. Colt, J. Durda, and R. Hegner. 1988.
Review of ecological risk
assessment methods. US Environmental Protection Agency,
Washington, D.C. (sections
numbered separately) pp.
Thomas, J. W., M. G. Raphael, R. G. Anthony, E. D. Forsman, A. G. Gunderson,
R. S.
Holthausen, B. G. Marcot, G. H. Reeves, J. R. Sedell, and D. M. Solis.
1993. Viability
assessments and management considerations for species associated with
and old-growth forests of the Pacific Northwest. USDA Forest
Service, U.S. Govt. Print.
Office, Washington, D.C. 530 pp.
Bruce G. Marcot
Research Wildlife Ecologist
USDA Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Research Station
Portland Forestry Sciences Lab
11 March 1998
Richey, J. S., R. R. Horner, and B. W. Mar. 1985. The Delphi
technique in environmental
assessment. II. Consensus on critical issues in environmental
monitoring program design.
J. Env. Managem. 21:147-159.
Richey, J. S., B. W. Mar, and R. R. Horner. 1985. The Delphi
technique in environmental
assessment. I. Implementation and effectiveness.
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Schuster, E. G., S. S. Frissell, E. E. Baker, and R. S. Loveless.
1985. The Delphi method:
application to elk habitat quality. USDA Fores Service Research
Paper INT-353. 32 pp.
Swanston, D. N., C. G. Shaw, III, W. P. Smith, K. R. Julin, G. A. Cellier,
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1996. Scientific information and the Tongass Land Management
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