B. G. 1997. Research information needs on terrestrial vertebrate
species of the interior Columbia River Basin and northern portions of the
Klamath and Great Basins. Research Note PNW-RN-522. Abstract
nd database available on-line at URL: http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/marcot.html.
USDA Forest Service, Portland OR. 29 pp.
Research information needs on selected invertebrates and all vertebrates
of the interior Columbia River Basin and adjacent areas in the U.S. were
collected into a Research, Development, and Application database as part
of the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project. The
database includes 482 potential research study topics on 232 individual
species and 18 species groups of animals, representing significant gaps
in scientific knowledge. Research study topics in the database can
be retrieved by use of keyword searches. Keyword subjects include
basic ecology, distribution, inventory and monitoring, environmental disturbance,
effects of land use management activities, and other topics. Research
study topics can be prioritized once a land management plan is in place
for the Basin and an assessment is conducted of risk management on species
and their environments.