EPOW - Ecology Picture of the Week

Each week a different image of our fascinating environment is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional ecologist.

30 October - 5 November 2023

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Comb-crested Jacana (Irediparra gallinacea), Family Jacanidae
Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, Australia

Credit & Copyright: Dr. Bruce G. Marcot

Explanation:  Behold the amazing Lilytrotter !  Like an incredible circus act, this bird of the billabongs treads across giant lily pads, using its enormous toes to distribute its weight and not sink.

We are at the tropical Yellow Waters Billabong (wetland) near Mardugal, in Kakadu National Park, way up in the northern edge of Northern Territory, Australia -- "Top End" as they call this region.  

Moving across the surface, Lilytrotters feed largely on insects, but will also take other invertebrates, and some plants and seeds of the water lilies, as opportunities arise.  

Though they tread lightly (necessarily, so!), they remain alert for potential predators that can include raptors, crocodiles, snakes, turtles, large fish, and more.   

As with other species of jacanas, their balancing act is provided by highly elongated toes and toenails.

They are fun to watch, but I most enjoy the various common names given to them for their appearance and behaviors.  Yes, they sport a red comb on their heads, thus Comb-crested Jacana.  But Lilytrotter also seems quite apt ... as does Jesus-bird or Christbird, for walking on water.  It is also known as the Lotus Bird and probably other local names as well.  


Next week's picture:  Little Spiderhunter on Night Roost

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Author & Webmaster: Dr. Bruce G. Marcot
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Original material on Ecology Picture of the Week © Bruce G. Marcot unless denoted otherwise

