Rock Martin (Ptyonogrogne [prev.
Hirundo] fuligula), Family Hirundinidae |
Credit & Copyright: Dr. Bruce G.
Explanation: Martins on the rocks! No, this is not a new drink. And if you are squinting your eyes, you might first think this is a butterfly. No. This is the aptly-named Rock Martin of Africa. We are in the Ngong Hills, south of Nairobi, in ridges and rock outcrops along the Great Rift Valley. True to their name, Rock Martins commonly inhabit rocky outcrops, canyons, and cliffs, often near villages but also, unlike swallows, often far from water. They occur singly or in pairs, as shown in this week's photo, or less often in small flocks. They feed on small insects taken along the rock faces. Their flight seems to be leisurely but are capable of rapid moves as well. |
Next week's picture: Sparrow Leg or Tiny Dinosaur?
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