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Funnel Web Spider,
Family Agelenidae |
Credit & Copyright: Dr. Bruce G.
Explanation: This unidentified arachnid graced the ground along the steep winding trail into the remote Gurung village of Pattekhet, in the Modi River Valley of the Himalayan Mountains of Nepal. Funnel web spiders build, well, webs with funnels and tunnels. The webs look chaotic but have structure and a purpose to help hide the spider from its own predators and from its prey upon which the spiders can lunge and ambush. Funnel web spiders are indeed predators themselves, much like wolf spiders and others of the order Araneae. Note how their eyes are positioned high and in front of their heads, typical for predatory spiders: |
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Original material on Ecology Picture of the Week © Bruce G. Marcot