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Valle Encantado (Enchanted Valley), Argentina |
Credit & Copyright: Dr. Bruce G.
Explanation: What formed this most enchanted valley, here in the Andes Mountains of southern Argentina along the border with Chile? It was fire, ice, sun, and seeds. In that order. First came the fire of the Earth that built the Andes with massive upward volcanic force, layering the terrain with basaltic flows and pyroclastic strata of ash and rock. Over the millennia, the strata tilted and jumbled and cracked, as the volcanoes vented and spewed. Second came the ice in the form of alpine glaciers, that scraped and carved the valley into the classic U-shape form seen here. Glaciers scoured raw the bedrock, slicing into the basaltic floor, creating typical alpine-glacial landforms of hanging side valleys and pinnacles and passes along the ridgelines.
Third came the sun, or warming climate to be more precise, that melted the ice. The glaciers, no longer in force, deposited their massive loads of churned rubble and rock, leaving behind well-drained moraines and dropping huge boulders as "erratics" when the force of ice was no more. Where once there were valley-filling glaciers now runs the Limay River. Then came the seeds of change, literally the seeds of pioneer plants brought by wind and animals, seeds stuck to the fur of guanacos and feathers of waterfowl. Only the heartiest of plants, including the rock lichens, first sustained the harsh bare land in an initial flush of primary succession. Later, protected by these pioneers, other plants invaded, the shrubs and low trees. With vegetation also came occasional fires that scar the land but provide necessary conditions for the germination of some tree species that come to eventually dominate. And the story continues, with humans next to appear, who carved roads, planted exotic pine trees, brought in weeds and cattle and dogs and more people. But nature tends to cycle, and with climates shifting and volcanoes reborn, the cycle of this Enchanted Valley might reprise again.
Next week's picture: Blue Grouse in the Shadows
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