Hello Marcus, Many thanks for your email and information. I was surprised to read your note that I had the wrong species identification, but I thank you for the correction. Actually, it was the local biologists I was traveling with who identified the swarm as Matabeles, and since they had lived and worked in the area for many years, I believed them. What specifically are the identifying characteristics of Dorylus sp.? Can you tell for certain this is not Pachycondyla analis? If so, I would like to issue a correction on that page and cite you as the source, if I may. And thank you for the correction on the species nomenclature; I scoured the literature I had, and thought that Megaponera foetens was the correct name ... but it's great to be contacted by a taxonomic expert. This was my only encounter with swarming ants there. If I had, or ever procure, further information, I would be happy to share it with you. Thanks again. - Bruce -----Original Message----- From: Stüben To: brucem@Taos-Telecommunity.org Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 10:27:23 +0200 Subject: Megaponera foetens or c.f. Dorylus sp.?!? > Dear Dr. Bruce G. Marcot, > > with very much interest I found the following internet resource at > > http://www.taos-telecommunity.org/epow/EPOW-Archive/archive_2003/EPOW-0 > 30811.htm > > which is called to show the "Matabele Ants (Megaponera foetens), > Ponerine ants, Family > Formicidae, Subfamily Ponerinae, South Luangwa National Park, Zambia, > Africa, Credit & > Copyright: Dr. Bruce G. Marcot." > > Actually for me there might have been a mistake in choosing the right > picture, I > guess. For me the foto does't not show "Megaponera foetens" (synonym of > the valid > name: Pachycondyla analis), but it seems to show a Dorylus species on a > swarm raid. > > Pachycondyla analis is a blackish species and has normally less > numerous raiding > parties. But if you have material of the species shown on the foto I > would like to > check it to be on the safe side. > > Furtheron I am interested in any location and other data where you > might have found > the real P. analis, because I am working on this species in my PhD. > > If you are interested in a cooperation, please let me know. > With my best wishes > > Marcus Stüben > > > Marcus Stüben (Dipl.-Biol.) > Theodor-Boveri-Institut für Biowissenschaften > der Universität Würzburg (Biozentrum) > Lehrstuhl Tierökologie und Tropenbiologie (Zoologie III) > Am Hubland > D-97074 Würzburg > Germany > Tel.: +49-(0)931-888-4355 (Institut) > Fax: +49-(0)931-888-4352 (Institut) > E-Mail: marcus.stueben@gmx.net > stueben@biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de