EPOW - Ecology Picture of the Week

Each week a different image of our fascinating environment is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional ecologist.

1# dd Month 2003

Click on the image for a larger version
#2-insert pic-link: 
eg /EPOW/EPOW-yymmdd_files/pic.jpg


Credit & Copyright: Dr. Bruce G. Marcot

Explanation:  #5 ...


Next week's picture:  #6-epow-description

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Author & Webmaster: Dr. Bruce G. Marcot, Tom Bruce
Disclaimers and Legal Statements
Original material on Ecology Picture of the Week © Bruce G. Marcot
Check Sheet ( X )
Delete These Instructions before uploading:
(  ) Step #1: Create This new EPOW page  and Store it in "EPOW-Archive" folder as follows:

This web page file will be saved as : 
eg /EPOW-Archive/EPOW-yymmdd.htm

The corresponding picture file/s will be saved as: 
eg /EPOW-Archive/EPOW-yymmdd._files/pic.jpg  (note "_files")
(all related pictures should be stored in this folder)

  1. (  ) enter week's date:   dd month yyyy
  2. (  ) Insert pic-link:  eg .. EPOW-Archive/EPOW-yymmdd_files/pic.jpg
  3. (  ) enter: pic-description
  4. (  ) enter: epow-description
  5. (  ) enter: explaning paragraph (with links as needed)
  6. (  ) enter: next week's epow description
  7. (  ) set: previous date link:  eg .. /EPOW-Archive/EPOW-yymmdd.htm
  8. (  ) set: next date link:  eg .. /EPOW-Archive/EPOW-yymmdd.htm
(  ) Step#2:  Update both the "EPOW-Archive.htm" and the EPOW-Index.htm" pages to reflect this new EPOW page

*** Delete This Check Sheet ***

(  ) Step#3: Upload using FTP
note: If subsequent changes are made to the ".htm" page, only the ".htm" page need be upload again.


1) Normally  all future  EPOWs should be unavailable to web users using the "Archive" or "Index" pages.  To accomplish this, create all pages and links, as they should be .. and upload them and save them normally.  Then using the FTP rename command rename all future EPOWs by adding a prefixmark (such as "x")  to each name
                          eg  xEPOW-yymmdd.htm
Later,  remove this mark with the FTP's "rename" as needed.