Bayesian Networks ~ Applications
Bayesian Networks:
A Practical Guide to Applications
edited by
Olivier Pourret, Patrick Naїm, Bruce Marcot
About the EditorsBiographies | Contact | Publications
Olivier Pourret, Ph.D, 'Electricité de France (EDF)
Olivier Pourret has been working at Electricité de France since 1998, as a research engineer (at the R&D division of EDF), and as a power market/portfolio analyst (at EDF Trading and EnBW Trading). His interests of research focus on reliability modelling, risk assessment, and decision analysis. Olivier has published several papers describing his use of Bayesian networks and is a co-author of "Réseaux Bayésiens" (Eyrolles, 2008). Olivier has taught reliability modeling at the Engineering Department of University of Marne-la-Vallée from 1998 to 2002 and initiated the Bayesian networks course of the EDF R & D Training Institute in 1999.Patrick Naïm, Elseware, France
Patrick Naïm is the founder and CEO of Elseware (engineering company specialised in knowledge technologies and quantitative modelling), a consultant in operational risk modelling for a major French bank and in design risk modelling for a major US oil company. Patrick has written several books in datamining, data modelling, and Bayesian networks and teaches data modelling and Bayesian networks at Ecole Centrale Paris, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Télécommunications and Centrale National des Arts et Métiers. Patrick is also a European Commmunity Expert for Innovative Projects.Bruce G. Marcot, Ph.D., USDA Forest Service, USA
Bruce Marcot is a research wildlife ecologist with the Ecosystems Processes Research Program, USDA Forest Service, Portland, Oregon, USA. He conducts applied science research and technology application projects for risk assessment and decision modeling in forest resource and wildlife planning. He has published several papers on use of Bayesian networks and is sought for lecturing and teaching short courses on Bayesian networks and decision modeling methods.
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Olivier Pourret -
Patrick Naïm -
Bruce G. Marcot -
Other Publications by the Editors
Related to Bayesian Network Modeling & ApplicationsOlivier Pourret
Naïm P., Wuillemin P.H., Leray P., Pourret O and Becker A. Réseaux Bayésiens, Eyrolles, Paris, 2008 (in French),
Bouissou, M and Pourret, O. A Bayesian Belief Network based Method for Performance Evaluation and Troubleshooting of Multistate Systems, Int. Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, Vol. 10, 2003
Pompée J., Pourret O. , Schlumberger, Y. and De Pasquale, M., Calculation and use of system state probabilities using Bayesian Belief Networks, PMAPS (Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems), Naples, Italy, 2002
Patrick Naïm
Risk Quantification: Management, Diagnosis and Hedging
Laurent Condamin, Patrick Naim, Jean-Paul Louisot, Wiley (Londres, Dec 2006)
Les réseaux bayésiens
P. Naïm, P. Wuillemin, P. Leray, O. Pourret, A. Becker, Eyrolles 2004
Bruce G. Marcot
Publications listed & available here on his personal web page on Bayesian network modeling